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Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis

What then is or isn't  hypnosis?

  • Hypnosis is NOT sleep, trance, unconsciousness or any other strange state of mind. It is a perfectly normal state of mind that we experience many times a day.
  • You will NOT lose your awareness.
  • You will NOT be in someone else's power.
  • You will NOT be out of control.
  • You will NOT be in a trance.
  • You CANNOT be made to do or say anything you don't want to.

Most people believe that hypnosis is something that the hypnotist 'does' to the client or subject. This is not the case.  All hypnosis is self-hypnosis (see below) and the hypnotist's work is to help people get there and remain in that mind-state for a period of time.

You have experienced hypnosis on a daily basis except you would not think to call it that. People go into light hypnosis every day of their lives -

  • Unless you are one of those people who leap out of bed instantly wide-awake then you will experience this hypnosis state of mind in that dreamy drifty place as you are waking up. That's what snooze buttons are for, so you go through it every time you wake up.
  • Students are very good at it in lectures all lying around as though they are asleep and yet at the end of the lecture they are all up and gone, because they're not actually asleep. They are fully aware the lecture has ended.
  • Another time you experience it is at work, team meetings, staff meetings, sitting there, same old stuff, just before dozing off and then coming back with a sudden jerk-start. Am I snoring? Did someone notice? Did someone speak to me, am I drooling? That moment when everything seems to drift off into the distance.
  • Have you ever caught yourself daydreaming and not been aware of things happening around you?
  • Have you ever been so absorbed in a book or watching a film or TV that you haven't realised an hour or two has gone by?
  • Children are very good at this because another aspect of the hypnosis state of mind is a very focused attention. Put them in front of the telly with their favourite programme on and they will get totally absorbed into the program. If you say anything to them you are unlikely to get a response. What happens is that their attention becomes very focused and so peripheral things around the outside tend to disappear.
    You may well have experienced this with your partner or a friend who's watching their favourite programme on telly. You may come in the room and ask them if they want a drink or something, you will be lucky if you get a more than a grunt in reply.
  • Ever been on the bus and missed your bus stop? You are fully aware that you are on the bus and all the physical experience of sitting there but your mind is away somewhere else and you become unaware of time or distance passing. You've gone into hypnosis and your imagination is away doing other things..
  • Drivers do it all the time. You leave home and drive to a familiar destination - what happened in between? Don't know, can't remember - and yet you were driving with absolute safety and would have responded to any emergency situation that arose.
    One part of your brain was driving you safely whilst another part of your brain was away with the fairies somewhere.
    Just so in the hypnotherapy session - one part of your brain is in absolute control (just like driving the car) of the session and yourself. It is the other part of your brain that we are working with (that part which is usually thinking about all sorts of other stuff while you are driving) using your creative imagination to create new ways of being for yourself.

These are all experiences of hypnosis. The main difference between these experiences and purposeful hypnosis is the specific motivations and suggestions towards a desired goal and being creative rather than having random daydreams about your life events.

Hypnotherapy encourages the mind to achieve some desired result like pain or stress relief, positive self-image, freedom from a phobia, positive self-control (as in stopping smoking) etc. The day-dreamy state is so familiar that it is common for people to disbelieve that they have been in hypnosis at the end of the first session. 

Will I lose control without knowing it?
Hypnotherapists do not possess the power to control other people's minds. They guide you into deep relaxation so that positive suggestions can be made to the subconscious mind using creative imagination. If you don't want to reveal things that are private, you won't. You are in control of everything you say and do.

Can I be made to do some thing against my will?
What about those performers on TV and stage?

NO. Pub and Club shows where people run around like chickens or dance with brooms thinking they are dancing with someone beautiful or eat an onion as though it were an apple create a misunderstanding of what is really happening. The guinea-pigs in those situations could actually choose not to behave like that but they just don't know that due to the general public ignorance about these things. This is fully explained in your first session so that you have clear understanding of what is happening.

The stage hypnotist has contributed to the image of hypnosis as a 'trance' or 'out-of -this-world' state. In fact the opposite is true: under hypnosis all your five senses are heightened and you will feel fully 'wide awake' and in control.

Any suggestions made which are contrary to your inner convictions will either be ignored by you or you will come out of the hypnotic state.

Can I be stuck in a hypnotic state?
No, since it is the person being hypnotised who actually induces him/herself through self-hypnosis. Just as anyone cannot be hypnotised against their own will, they can bring themselves out in a split second.

Will I be aware of what is happening?
Yes. The predominant feeling for some people is - "It didn't work for me - I never went under". Until they discover that they think and insist the session lasted only 5 - 10 minutes when actually it was an hour or more.

How does hypnotherapy work?
Under hypnosis all outside distractions are eliminated and your attention is focused on the hypnotherapist's voice. It is this profound concentration that permits the creative suggestions being made to get into the brain and into the subconscious in a way which your normal critical-defensive conscious mind won't allow and you are guided to adopt new, desired and beneficial ways of being.

All hypnosis is self-hypnosis and no one can be hypnotised against their will. You allow yourself to be guided into hypnosis and you remain in control at all times. You always know what is happening and you are in full awareness at all times. You can stop the session at any time just by opening your eyes and saying, "I don't want to do this anymore."

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me."   An old saying but it is NOT TRUE.

The damage from sticks and stones will heal physically but the psychological and emotional damage caused by words can last a life-time. Hypnotherapy can get to those long-lost memories and bring healing to those old scars and damage enabling you to lead a fuller, better quality of life now.



Been dumped?
Bad habits
Child Abuse
Comfort eating
Cosmetic Surgery
Driving Test
Empty Nest Syndrome
Erectile Dysfunction
Exam nerves
Excessive drinking
Getting Married
Giving birth
Guilt from the past
Laser Surgery
Morning Sickness
Panic Attacks
Phobia examples:
   ● Flying
Public Speaking
Relationship issues
Regret about the past
Self Confidence
Self Esteem
Sex Performance
Social Anxiety
Student exam nerves
Student Performance
Taking control of life
Weight Loss



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© Neil Robinson 2022


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